Disciples of Christ
Worship - Sunday 10:45 AM
Study Time - Sunday 9:30 AM
Fellowship - Sunday 12:00 PM
Monthly Potluck - First Sunday
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9am to 1pm
Pastor Teresa Trusner
Administrative Asst-Melissa Johnson
Human beings with faults and flaws who are committed to a lifelong quest to become like Jesus.
Study Groups:
Two adult study groups: one for women and another for men and women. Each chooses their own study material.
Classes for children and youth are in our future plans.
Starts at 10:45 a.m. A chime sounds to call people to their seats.
Traditional in style guided by TV screens.
Prayer lifts up our concerns and joys.
We partake in communion at each service. The table is open to all.
Closes with a circle to celebrate the fact that we do not go out into the world alone.
Typically short, focused on practical bible application.
Weekly Social:
Light snacks are provided after worship. Come get acquainted!
Monthly Potluck: First Sunday of the Month after worship. There is always plenty of food. Come join us!
What Should I Wear?
You will see people wearing shorts to business casual. Come as you are!
Service Opportunity
Be a literary partner at RJ Richey Elementary.
Volunteer for 30 minutes a week
2 -15 minute One-on-One Reading Sessions
Children not reading at grade level by the end of 3rd grade are four times more likely to drop out of school
Characteristics of a Literary Partner
Consistency-committed to 30 minutes, on the same day of the week at the same time
Flexible-realize that the child's mood and needs may vary from week to week
Role model-be polite, kind, honest, respectful
Humble-do not overestimate or underestimate your ability to help a child learn to read
- Multiple DatesTue, Dec 17First Christian Church BurnetDec 17, 2024, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PMFirst Christian Church Burnet, 204 E Graves St, Burnet, TX 78611, USA
Care Groups
Our church has three care groups. Each care group has an elder and deacon leadership team. The purpose of the groups is to build relationships, engage in service activities and provide a structure for our prayer chain. The care groups take turns hosting the monthly luncheons and fellowship times after worship.
Care Group Leadership Teams:
Group 1: Brenda Williams (E), Art Johnson (E), Melissa Johnson (D),
Richard Dunegan (D)
Group 2: LuLisa Nance(E), Bennie Clark (E), Jim Nance(D)
Pastor's Care Group: Teresa Trusner
(E) - Elder
(D) - Deacon
Recovery Groups
ACA - Mon 10:30 AM (Closed),
AA Book Study - Wed 10:30 AM
AA Noon Group – Mon through Fri (12PM-1PM)
AA Solutions Group – Wed & Sat (7PM-8PM)
AA Women Do Recover (Women only) - Mon (5:30PM - 6:30PM)
NA Non-Fiction Addiction – Mon & Thurs (7PM-8PM)
Food Addiction Group - Sun 6-7:30PM
The Blessing Box was installed in 2019 as a memorial to two former members of our church, Auda and Mary Alice Ross. The box provides non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for those in need. Feel free to "take what you need, leave what you can...above all Be Blessed."
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was founded in the early 1800’s in the United States. The founders envisioned only one Christian Church, modeled on the New Testament, to be a witness for both religious freedom and the unity of all Christians. The church grew rapidly across the American frontier, in part because it shared many values of the early settlers. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) now includes nearly 4,000 congregations.
History of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Burnet:
In June 1883, land was purchased and the first building was erected in 1884 or 1885. In 1910, the building burned and eventually the church disbanded. The congregation reorganized in 1950, purchased the present lot in 1951 and dedicated the sanctuary (now the fellowship hall) on July 27, 1952. Sunday School rooms were added in 1957 and the present sanctuary was dedicated December 14, 1975. An extensive remodel was undertaken in 2005.
You may also choose to worship online with us on Facebook Live.
Pastor's Pen
Waiting! Watching! Hoping! Believing!
As a weary world attempts to rejoice in the Christmas season, those of us who follow Jesus have the confidence that our joy will be fulfilled. We light a candle each Sunday to focus our prayers on Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. On Christmas Eve we light the Christ Candle to represent the birth of our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the baby that changed everything! By his life, we have a model of what it means for us to live as a person created in the image of God. By His death, the path is made clear for us to be in right relationship with God. By His resurrection, we find the confidence that God is with us and at work in every situation. We have the Hope that God can and will save, forgive, and heal. We live in the Peace that comes from knowing that God will never leave us or stop acting on our behalf. We experience the Joy that our relationship with God brings even when we are sad or grieving. And most important of all, the unconditional Love that God showers on us is the Love we learn to share with everyone we meet. I pray that you are living in the waiting, watching, hoping, and believing of this season. There will be a special Christmas Eve service at 6pm that will include Communion and Candle light.
Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Pastor Teresa